Artist | Streamer | Entity



Commission STATUS:Closed


Cel Shaded-------------------$25.00
Complex designs may vary in cost


Cel Shaded-------------------$40.00
Additional characters + 50%
Complex designs may vary in cost


Cel Shaded-------------------$65.00
Additional characters + 50%
Complex designs may vary in cost

Full Body

Cel Shaded-------------------$90.00
Additional characters + 50%
Complex designs may vary in cost

Prices listed are prices for one character with a simple background. Additional charges apply for multiple characters and/or complex backgrounds.By commissioning me you are agreeing to the terms of service.

LAST UPDATED: 10/20/21

-Client has permission to repost artwork so long as proper credit is given via tagging or linking!
Prohibited Actions
-Using the commission or any part of it as a non fungible token (NFT). Use of the artwork for profit or advertising associated with non fungible tokens, blockchains or cryptocurrency is prohibited.
-Altering the artwork in any way with the exception of cropping or resizing the image for use as an icon, banner, ETC.-Claiming the artwork as your own.-Tracing over the artwork to claim as your own.If these terms are broken you will be blacklisted from commissioning me in the future.SECTION II. PAYMENT INFORMATION-I accept payment in USD via Paypal only.-Half of the payment should be sent after sketch approval. The other half is required to receive your final image without watermarks!-If you should choose to pay the full price up front, you will be sent the file as soon as it is complete!SECTION III. COMMUNICATION-Contact should come primarily through email or discord DMs. Please select ONE method of contact and do not use multiple platforms to discuss your commission with me!-Client must provide at least one visual reference. This can be as simple as an MSPaint doodle, so long as I have direction to move forward with. We can tweak details before finalizing the art!SECTION IV. PROHIBITED CONTENTBelow is a guideline for the kind of art I will draw, please keep this in mind when considering me. Your commission will not be approved if it contains prohibited content. I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason.Permitted Content
-Original Characters
-Humans or Humanoids
-Pokemon or other stylized creatures
-Blood and Light Gore
-Complicated Designs
Prohibited Content
-Explicit content of any extent including characters which appear to be underage.
-Hateful content including but not limited to racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, Nazi imagery or any sort of hate speech.
You MUST be over the age of 18 to commission any mature content.
Breaking this rule will result in blacklisting.
SECTION V. PROCESSCompletion of most commissions are generally within 1-3 weeks for illustrations.
If there are any delays in completion of a commission, you will be notified. Please keep in mind that lack of response from the client and requesting changes to aspects of the art may cause the commission to be delayed.
Works in Progress.
The client will receive a clean sketch image to approve for lineart as well as a flat colored image to assure the colors are correct. These images are not to be posted online or used as icons/banners. Progress will be paused at these stages until approval is given from the client.
Revisions & Edits.
Any major changes or revisions must be made during the sketch phase of the artwork. This includes any significant changes to a characters body shape, pose, or redrawing aspects of the image. When the sketch has been approved, no major edits or changes will be made. If the client requests additional edits after approving a sketch, pricing for edits will be discussed.
This TOS may be subject to change at any time without notice. Changes will not be applied retroactively.If you should have any further questions not covered in the Terms of Service, please send me a message!

Status: ongoing

After witnessing the grisly murder of his best friend,
Kurt Elzey - a mental hospital orderly - tries to move on with his life and navigate adulthood. Certain that the event was just a horrible circumstance, his thoughts on the matter are called into question when he meets enigmatic mental patient - Ivy Ivory.
Despite several warnings from Mince - his only friend in town - Kurt grows closer to Ivy as she opens his eyes to the world of monsters, cults and witchcraft that has existed under his nose his whole life.

Status: early development

Dero - a war android from a bygone era - wakes in an unfamiliar world where androids are no longer welcome.
With the assistance of a local scrapyard gang, Dero tries to piece together his past life; along with figuring out the identity of the mysterious, sunflower loving girl from his memory.